While the military tribune was one of the most well-known uses of the title, "Tribunus" also referred to a powerful political office known as the Tribunus Plebis (Tribune of the Plebs). This office was established in 494 BC as a result of the Conflict of the Orders, a power struggle betwee
The title "Tribunus" has a rich history in ancient Rome, referring to several different military and political offices depending on the time period. It was a title that carried significant importance in both the Roman army and Roman government, and it evolved over time as the structure of
The legatus legionis held significant responsibility for the leadership and management of a legion, which consisted of approximately 5,000 to 6,000 soldiers. The legatus had command over all aspects of military operations, including:
Strategic Planning and Tactics: The legatus was responsib
The position of legatus legionis was typically filled by men of high rank, often with political or aristocratic connections. While many legates were from the equestrian class (the Roman elite who were not senators), some were appointed directly from the Senate or were even ex-consuls.
During the